Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six-Four (六四)

(From Dr. Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Fuller Seminary, Morning Devotional June 4, 2009)

Twenty years ago, on 4 June 1989, the Chinese Army used tanks and guns to end peaceful mass demonstrations on Tiananmen Square in Beijing. Since mid-April, hundreds of thousands of people- students, workers, intellectuals- had demonstrated daily for press freedom, democratic elections against corruption. Thousands of students went on a hunger strike to underscore these demands. The images of tanks moving against unarmed citizens were broadcast around the world.

In China up to today, it is not possible to talk openly about the events of 1989, and nobody is allowed to openly mourn the victims. Chinese Christians are using the anniversary of the massacre to ask us for our intercession.


God of Life- we pray for all people who were involved in the Chinese Democracy movement 20 years ago; strengthen our hope for change. Help them not to become discouraged and cynical. Give them patience and perseverance in all that they are doing for change in China.

God of Comfort- we pray for all those who have lost a loved once during the massacre 20 years ago. Comfort them in their mourning. Be close to them with your power and love. Grant them strength to continue to stand for injustice.

God, Lord of this world- we pray for the Chinese government and for the leadership of the Communist Party. Move their hearts, Lord, give them courage and strength to admit their injustice and their mistakes to make a new start. We ask for the freedome of those who have been impresoned for their political activities.

God, Father of all- we pray for all people in China. Help them not to forget their new-found prosperity that life is more than food and drink. Give them your grace and power to stand up for justice and truth.


Monday, March 2, 2009

‘Tidal wave’ of homeless students hits schools

By Kari Huus
updated 4:20 a.m. PT, Mon., March. 2, 2009

The number of homeless people in the U.S. is the subject of much debate and disagreement. An annual one-night count, performed by social service organizations and volunteers who then report to the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, attempts to tally the number of people living on the street, in cars or makeshift tents and in emergency shelters. The most recent survey — conducted in January 2008, before the full brunt of the recession hit — tallied 759,101 homeless Americans. Roughly 40 percent of them — or about 300,000 — were families with minor children, according to the survey.

Advocates for the homeless say a more reliable picture of what is taking place comes through a separate count conducted in public schools, in which the definition of “homeless” is broader.

Under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, “homeless” includes not just children who live on the streets, but “any individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.” In addition to those living in shelters or cars or sleeping on the street, that figure includes children whose families are doubled up with other families or living in trailers due to economic hardship, those who live in substandard housing and kids awaiting foster care placement.
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In 2007-2008 — the last school year for which data is available — the nation’s 14,000 public school districts counted more than 780,000 homeless students, a 15 percent increase from the previous year.

Read more about this over here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

KI Devotional | Day 10

A Prayerful Reflection in the Midst of Pain

Dear Lord,

The most powerful creator, God. You do not create us to be left alone. You have a plan and a purpose for each person You create. Many times we don’t know what your purpose is in allowing certain sufferings to happen in our lives and so we blame you, whine, kick, and scream.
Lord, forgive us and strengthen us to meet the challenge of persevering. Guide us step by step and help us to see your miracles in the smallest things as well as the most impossible things. Daily uphold us for we simply cannot do it with our own strength. Help us to persevere and not lose our faith in you for you are a great and mighty God.
We know you plan ev
erything for the good of those who love you. Help us to be victorious in these hard times to see your perfect plan unfolding before our eyes – to see beyond our circumstances to see what Job foresaw, that face-to-face meeting with You.
Thank you Lord for Your Word that helps us in times of trouble and helps us to see the future with great hope. We know You, our living God, will never leave us or forsake us and we can be assured our Lord Jesus Christ knows our every suffering.
Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

PRAYER FOCUS: Children and Youth of Homeless Families

Children and youth in homeless families have been rising, now accounting for about 15% of the homeless population. According to the L.A. Unified School District, there are 13,521 homeless students in the district as of 2007, a 35% increase from the previous year. Pray that God will bring immediate relief, shelter, food and health care for them, as well as uninterrupted education opportunities. Pray that Christ will restore hope for the future, provide wise counsel and friendship, as well as protection from the risks of life on the streets.


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